
Whether it’s stay lifts, doors, drawers, or pull-outs: Handle-less furniture can be used throughout the home, thanks to the TIP-ON mechanical opening system. The TIP-ON mechanism is durable and will not be damaged even if users pull open doors, wall cabinets and pull-outs.

Tip-on for Lift Systems

Tip-on for Lift Systems

Opening handle-less stay lifts is very easy and effortless with TIP-ON for AVENTOS HK. Just press on the furniture front and the lift system moves upward.

Tip-on for Doors

Tip-on for Doors

A light touch alone will suffice to open your cabinet fronts. With this unique innovation, you can open your doors with a gentle push.

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Tip-on for Box Systems

The mechanical opening support system TIP-ON for LEGRABOX provides functional opening comfort. You can now use handle-less furniture, even in the bathroom where cabling may be limited or very difficult.